You need to have an EMA account to log into this website.

If you have access to any of the following EMA-hosted websites or online applications, you already have an EMA account and you should use the same credentials:

SPOR, Eudralink, EudraCT Secure, service desk portal, European union telematics controlled terms (EUTCT), meeting management system (MMSe), managing meeting document system (MMD), EudraVigilance data analysis system (EVDAS), EudraPORTAL, European Union good manufacturing and distribution practices database (EUDRAGMDP), paediatrics records application (PedRA), SIAMED business intelligence dashboard (BI DASHBOARD), corporate GxP database (CORPGXP), European pharmacovigilance issues tracking tool (EPITT) or periodic safety update repository (PSUR repository).

If you do not already have an EMA account, you need to create an EMA account.